Stark Statistical Consulting

2900 Louisiana Blvd NE, Suite 230
Albuquerque NM 87110

E-mail to request a free initial consultation.

Titanic Passengers
Red Sox Survival Rates

Statistical Consulting Services for Businesses

I provide statistical expertise and sound solutions that help you to make important decisions, to understand your customers, to build your brand, and to make forecasts.

Data Mining Use your data to inform important business decisions.
Predictive Analytics Model customer behavior so that you can foresee risk and opportunity and act accordingly.
Customer Segmentation Identify important customer segments so that you can effectively target your marketing.
Dynamic Forcasting Improve short-term forecasts by adapting to changing trends and drivers in the marketplace.
Survival Analysis Understand customer churn so that you can forecast revenue and evaluate retention strategies.
Choice Modeling Predict how your customers will react to many different, complex, future scenarios.

To schedule a free initial consultation, please email me at